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During a catfight, the air is electric

About the Book...

REAL CATFIGHTS SCRAPBOOK #1 is a book of over one hundred pages of eyewitness accounts of women fighting women as described by curious spectators, lovers, or the catfighters themselves. These wide ranging accounts vary in length from one or two paragraphs to several pages of carefully detailed, blow-by- blow descriptions.

Erotic, sensual, exciting, dangerous and unpredictable, catfights are unlike anything else on earth. Indeed, it is the "last taboo." Or as Phil from Los Angeles said, "Men fight more often but women fight more wild." Every catfight contained in REAL CATFIGHTS is deliciously raw and authentic.

$39 & shipping and handling.

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We'd like to hear from you. Got a catfight story, photo or video? We are interested in purchasing any authentic catfight material. Questions? E-mail
