We don't now which fly bit him, but our cameraman let his morbid imagination go on full speed. It starts with a hairpulling sumo (you must make your opponent fall down using her hair as a lever), continued with breast-pulling sumo (the same but now hair is replaced by her breasts!), then a slapping contest took place.......it wasn't actually a fight or rather a very peculiar one but slaps the girls have been trading were REALLY terrific, nothing to do with "kill - a- mosquito-on-my-cheek-and-I-help you-to- kill-yours" so common in business. And to topple it off a belly-punching contest ensued with also very powerful blows and finished with one girl folding in two and collapsing to the floor. After these starters the main course was served which consisted of 3 vicious fights with REAL kicking,slapping,punching - ah yes, hairpuling - and breastgrabbing which left me breathless. The tape is a unique collection item which seldom happen in this world and never can be done on prearrangement but only due to a divine(devilish?LOL) spark of inspiration.
Packaged in a fancy dura case. 60 minutes. Packaged in a fancy case(Shown). NEW $29 plus S & H.